Cotton and linen fabrics 100% made in EU
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Cheaper fabrics with small flaws

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Cheaper fabrics with small flaws

Would you like to save money in the times of rising prices and inflation without having to buy lower-quality printed fabric? Take advantage of our loyalty section where we offer fabrics with minor defects that do not reduce the quality of the material – they are rather minor visual defects or slight visual flaws. For example, striping where the colour is slightly lighter in some places, drips, or a slight shift in the pattern or colour (not visible from distance), etc. Flax occasionally has the usual pilling (tiny white wrinkles). Even these high-quality printed fabrics with minor defects will certainly find a use. They are often sold out immediately as we offer them at bargain prices – so you may even find an empty section. Visit our e-shop regularly or subscribe to our newsletter (enable it during registration or in your profile settings), and you will not miss any textile discounts.

At the moment, we are trying to provide our wholesale customers with good deals on fabrics not only in this section of fabrics with minor defects, but also by means of quantity discounts, free shipping from certain purchase amount up, loyalty and individual discounts – register with us or sign up. You will always earn with us. If you are interested in closer cooperation, please contact us directly.

Fabrics with this marking have a minor visual defect within 15 cm from the edge. Only in the case of linen, there may be a greater number of pilling spots which may occur throughout the fabric, but this does not reduce the quality of the material; on the contrary, it is a natural property of linen fabrics.
Common defects – blots, pilling, streaking.

Fabrics marked "Fabric with defects" have minor defects anywhere on the fabric, or a printed fabric has a slight shift in the print.
Common defects – blots, streaking, print shift.

Discount 17m Elmosa 1/2 UNI-9335A
Flannel - single sided
Discount 170m Elmosa 1/2 UNI-9241A
Flannel - single sided
Discount 20m Elmosa 1/2 UNI-9526A
Flannel - single sided
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